Midland Whitepapers
The Impact of the PPACA on the Self-Pay Revenue Cycle
The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA) has wide-ranging impact on the healthcare industry. Its greatest impact is on the uninsured or self-pay patient population. This whitepaper highlights some important service areas affected by the ACA, all of which directly affect the self-pay portion of the provider’s revenue cycle.
The Midland Group has researched these areas of operation and has extensive knowledge of each system. Here are four areas of important impact of the ACA on the revenue cycle that might bear further consideration by providers.
You’ll Learn:
- What constitutes an “Extraordinary Collection Activity” and the type of collection activities considered permissible under 501(r);
- Expected challenges to Presumptive Eligibility and areas of the revenue cycle where it may fit, and
- The roll of Certified Application Counselors in the revenue cycle.

Midland Whitepapers
Keeping Healthcare Finances Healthy: Overcoming the Out-of-Pocket Payment Predicament
Learn how to overcome your patient payment challenges!
Faced with escalating challenges, hospitals must be proactive to effectively collect outstanding patient balances. This whitepaper will discuss the steps you can take to ensure your facility is giving patients every opportunity to satisfy their payment obligation.
You’ll Learn:
- The pitfalls of the customary approaches to collecting patient balances
- How the time value of money must be balanced with creating a steady and predictable cash flow
- The 6 features of a well-designed patient payment collection operation that helps patients meet their obligation AND promotes goodwill throughout the community